Tuesday, September 5

Movie Commentary: Talladega Nights

I was originally going to wait for video on Ricky Bobby, but I caught Talladega Nights Sunday afternoon. Boy, am I glad I did!

1. The Borat trailer is shown during the Talladega Nights previews. So you are laughing right off the bat.

2. Talladega Nights is one of the funniest movies I've seen recently. It is geniunely funny. Off-the-chain funny. It is clearly funnier than The 40-Year Old Virgin (more vulgar than funny) and Anchorman (did not pass the "second view")...possibly both combined. And it is not vulgar, either. There is just too much funny stuff to list. Talladega Nights is definitely a "buy" when it comes out on dvd. And if you see it, stay for the credits. There are some awesome outtakes that had me laughing as hard as I laughed during the movie, if not possibly harder.

I'm going to go stream-of-consciousness now: shake-n-bake, fair comprimise, Jesus, Chip, Walker and Texas Ranger, painting a backporch red, sponsors, Glen, Little E, The Magic Man (not Don Majekowski), invisible fire, "these colors don't run", Crystal Gale t-shirt...ahhh, Talladega Nights is definitely a must see - and buy.

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